What is LakeSmart?
Do you value clear water in East Pond? The East Pond Association has kicked off its LakeSmart program, designed to assess shorefront properties for phosphorous input into the lake. The program is 100% voluntary, and regardless of the outcome you have no obligation to make any changes to your property. But, if there are areas for improvement we’d like to work with you to address these issues and make your property LakeSmart. Mel Croft (362-5340) has been trained as a screener and is looking forward to evaluating your shorefront property. Give him a call and he’ll be happy to sit down with you and explain the process. Look for LakeSmart signs around the lake which advertise those properties that have been deemed LakeSmart! (Flip through the slides below for examples of how to make your property LakeSmart!)

The East Pond Association has an active LakeSmart program and believes the process can help improve East Pond water quality. LakeSmart is a program that offers FREE opportunities for homeowners to learn how to manage their home and yard to improve water quality in their lake and maintain the value of their shorefront property. To date 29 properties on East Pond have received the LakeSmart award, and numerous others have made improvements. However, there are over 300 other properties on East Pond offering opportunities to keep phosphorous out of our lake.
Unfortunately getting the word out to the owners of these properties has been difficult. Plus, many property owners are concerned that expectations from the results of the LakeSmart evaluation may be unrealistic. Therefore the EPA decided to construct a model LakeSmart property so East Pond residents could see what it takes to be LakeSmart. We selected a property on Brickett Point that failed the LakeSmart evaluation and had recently been sold to new owners.The property needed a lake front buffer in order to become LakeSmart. Therefore we had the 7 Lakes Alliance Youth Conservation Corps construct a waterfront buffer this past summer. Labor was free; we paid only for the materials.The buffer is about 20’ deep, and is comprised of shrubs, ground cover, and duff (mulch). Once these plants mature they will provide ample defense against phosphorous entering East Pond at this site.
Eventually we will place a sign at the property to designate it as our model LakeSmart property. But for now, take a look at these before, during, and after pictures of the site and ask yourself if your property measures up.